It’s Here! WE are celeberating on facebook today from 4:30 – 9:30 EST! JOin the party to win books, swag and other giveaways!
Read an excerpt from the book:
To: Adam from Hawaii
From: Poppy Reagan
Subject: Don’t do drugs, kids.
Here to bring you today’s entertainment. So, my latest computer date was supposed to be a successful marketer. At least that’s what his profile indicated. He instead decided to visit an Ashram last week, and while there, apparently found the meaning of life through yoga and wacky tobacky. He’s quit his job, and while craving the munchies, decided to take me to a well-known eatery called – El Taco Bell. Yes, that’s right he offered to take me to the Bell, the place with the Chihuahua ads.
Adam, you know me. Do I look like the type of woman you should take, on a date, to the Taco Bell? I didn’t think so. Here’s the embarrassing part, I was actually buying his guru-intellectual-life-affirming crapola until I realized his serenity came from too many tokes from the bong. That’s it. I’m off computer dating and plan to start having my friends set me up with normal people.
To top off this fun-loving week, my mom announced she’s coming in for a visit after my trip to Denver. I’ve told you a little about her. I’m worried this is the beginning of her next divorce and all the accompanying drama that goes along with it. Ugh!
Looking forward Denver and connecting with a normal human being. I’m packing my Chanel No. 5, red panties and nothing else.